304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Why arrange engineer is very necessary to go to site do elevator escalator installation Guidance service?

For many Project investor & building contractor, After they purchased elevator escalators for their projects, they also need find suitable professional elevator escalator installation team to install them.

But actually, these so-called professional installation teams they looked for ,Not very professional sometimes. while installation still would meet many different problems. In bad cases, they may burn the appliances. In this case, normally they would not say that they are very unprofessional, on the contrary, he will avoid responsibility and say that the manufacturer’s product is not good. The products before delivery all is test well in factory. so normally like this situation. the products burned caused by the local installation team’s Unconventional Operation. There is no doubt about that. If the project investor customer enough wise will find it. (Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that the buyer really encountered a poor quality supplier.)

In this case, Ask one or two technical experts of the factory to come and guide site elevator escalator installation is very necerssory.

On the one hand, different country different habits and different situations, even do one same thing, in different countries, the details still different. They may need different tools. but this is small thing. if the tools can resolve problem then is ok. There is bound to be a small conflict when two differences meet. These conflicts only the experts of elevator escalator installation can resolve it. If not real professional elevator escalator installation people may Aggravate the problem but not resolve it.

Above situation may many elevator escalator buyers would meet .

So here, Summarize a few points to smooth ur elevator escalator installation.

1, Must Found a very Professional Local Elevator Escalator Installation Team. especially like they have at least more than A decade or two of actual experience. u can check his installationed projects as reference. If they also installation many Top international Brands and many others brands is best.

2, Apply factory arrange engineer to guidance ur local professional elevator escalator installation team .

This way is more safe and can ensure the elevator escalator installation well in a short time. But may cost a little higher.

3, Or Contracted to the China supplier’s engineer installation team . it may need local prepare tools base china installation team request.

4, One China engineer +Local installation people who never do installation but is Electrical, mechanical engineer. This situation needs the longgest installation time. Also request the Engineer is very professional and experts. personal not suggest this way. although it can save some installation cost.

Below MINI MUSTANG Engineer go to Europe site for Local Biggest Shopping Mall Project’s Elevator Escalator Installation Guidance!

The customer Happy moment to receive our engineer:

Installation Start!

It will be updated from time to time!


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